Date: Tuesday, 20th October 2020
Time: 8:00am
Location: Cape Melville, QLD
Nights left of trip: 6
Reflecting upon the night before, Ben & Jono knew that night would be hard to beat. What was beating down on them was the hot sun, and the two had many kilometers before them to their next destination of Coen. So back along the sandy and corrugated track they drove, stopping unexpectedly but briefly to dig out some sand from the ute’s wheels…

It was about 4pm before they arrived at Coen. Their plans for the evening were ambitious, and rested at the feet of several third parties, which in the end was not to be. So the two froggers headed out of town for some woodland critters, before calling it a relatively early night by the river near town (where whilst cleaning their teeth they would see a juvenile crocodile scamper off down the river).

More pics to follow…