About a week ago I was finally able to ‘investigate’ which species of frog had been calling next door to our property. It was either Litoria dentata (Bleating treefrog) or L. rubella (Naked treefrog) since their calls are very similar. I’ve since learnt that L. dentata makes a higher pitched trill than L. rubella. So anyway, once seeking permission and arriving there, the search began. Below are just a few photos of what I found.

So it turns out they were Naked treefrogs calling and the ones which I found. I found nine all up, and about 45-odd cane toads. Naked treefrogs can be identified by their call but also the dark patch they’ll have just above their thigh on their back. The groin can be a yellow colour. It’s funny how there are quite a few next door to us but I haven’t found one on our property.
Naked treefrogs are also known as Desert treefrogs, Ruddy treefrogs and Red treefrogs. This was only the third occasion I’d seen this species so that was a bit exciting. I’m still yet to find a Bleating treefrog though!