Over the Easter break I headed up to our family holiday house at Burrum Heads. I was a little hesitant in going as we had more good rain on the Coast, making conditions suitable for the Marsupial Frog (Assa darlingtoni). However, after re-familiarising myself with the Wildlife Online species list of the area I was to visit, I found there were two species recorded of which I was yet to sight. The Bumpy Rocketfrog (Litoria inermis) and the Chirping Froglet (Crinia deserticola). Chances are it was too late in the season for the Rocketfrog to be making many appearances, however Aaron, a fellow frogger, suggested to try the Froglet as they are known near the Fraser Coast.
I ended up finding three of several dozen calling from the area I was looking. As with all Crinias, this species is a challenge to initially locate (particularly on your own). Their (small) size is particularly impressive.

These frogs are often found in drier western areas however are also found nearer to the coast in the Fraser Coast region. Here they appear to overlap with the Wallum Froglet (Crinia tinnula).

This is the 42nd frog species I’ve found within South-east QLD, as I challenge myself to get out there and witness the greater diversity of frog species and their habitats within SE QLD. I encourage you to do the same, keeping in mind the good practices whilst out frogging around 😉
*The other three local species in SE QLD are C. tinnula, C. signifera and C. parinsignifera – all of which can be found on this blog.