Following on from the previous nights search, I was out again at night, but this time confined to the yard of the holiday house we’re staying at. There hadn’t been any more rain, but there were still several frogs out and about.
I found about a half a dozen Litoria caerulea (Green Treefrogs), some shown below.

The following night was rather windy and very few frogs appeared to be out. The next night me and my younger sister went out frogging along the edge of a new-ish housing development which boarders onto bush and woodland. Past years during the large rainfall events these particular roads went under 😛

Then on New Year’s Eve we were at it again. We’d had a decent shower just before-hand which made the ground surface nice and damp. We recorded at least 30 frogs/toads (most frogs). One of our first findings was on the road, as were most of the frogs we found. Good thing they’re quiet roads. This particular finding got me rather excited as it wasn’t a species I’d come across before, but I can’t decide on what species it is! It could be Limnodynastes tasmaniensis (Spotted Grass Frog), but I’m waiting for verification or correction on that one. [UPDATE: I’ve had confirmation from Ed Meyer that this frog is indeed Limnodynastes tasmaniensis (Spotted Grass Frog).]

What a great night to finish off 2012! Hope yours was too.