I’ve finally had a chance in-amongst all my uni assignments to post several photos I’ve taken since my last post entry, so here they are…

We’d been over at the Grandparents place in Palmwoods when I thought I heard my mobile phone play a text-alert sound, which I’ve set to be the call of the Emerald-spotted treefrog (my ring tone is the call of the Laughing treefrog 😀 ). Anyway, turns out they were actual Litoria peronii (Emerald-spotted treefrogs) calling from the Palmwoods duck pond just down the road. On my way back home I stopped at the duck pond to see if I could find any. Indeed I did. There were plenty of calls from both this species and L. fallax.

A few days later during the warm weather we had, I decided to snoop around my university campus and see what I could find or hear. There were plenty of calling L. fallax and in the distance I could hear the calls of L. nasuta (Striped rocket frog) (this species is the one I’ve set to call as my alarm and wake me up on certain mornings 😛 ). There were many of these guys around wet ditches despite not having rained.

I’m beginning to think there’s something about these frogs and encounters with security guards as happened again that night.
Then just a couple of nights ago I heard, for the first time, a L. fallax calling from the reeds in our front-yard pond – hey, I was excited! Usually I can hear them calling from everywhere else around the neighbourhood but the pond. So, I had to take a few shots whilst at the same time fiddling with the camera to get the best photographs I could manage.

Well, that concludes this catch-up post. We’ve had a few mills of rain recently and I’m looking forward to what’s forecast this Summer!