SEQ Frog & Toad Identification Key
Use this ID key to easily key-out frog species. Once you have launched the Frog ID Key, use the filters to choose the characteristics you are most certain of.
The key will then narrow down the list of likely species.
The key includes almost 50 species found between Rockhampton to the QLD/NSW border and west to the Darling Downs.
The Frog ID Key is accurate enough to incorporate published species descriptions, but flexible enough to account for interpretations made by users.
Frogs in the Fraser Coast/Bundaberg, Burnett, Gympie/Mary Valley, Somerset, Toowoomba, Sunshine Coast, Moreton Bay/Caboolture, Brisbane, Scenic Rim, Ipswich and Gold Coast areas are all included in the Key.

• Begin with the most obvious characteristics. If uncertain, skip a filter - not all filters need to be chosen.
• Frogs within a species often vary considerably, and so the key attempts to capture this variation.
• These keys have been applied to the adult form of each species, and may not work on juvenile/sub-adult frogs.
Launch the Frog ID Key
Remember, you can always send en email with a photo of the frog you are trying to identify, or send a message on